Keynote Speakers > PASTORE Mariachiara


Mariachiara PASTORE

Université de Lorraine & CNRS, FR




Dr. Pastore obtained her PhD in theoretical chemistry (2006-2008) under the supervision of Prof. Cimiraglia at the University of Ferrara (Italy), working on the development of highly accurate multireference perturbation theory methods and their application to the spectroscopy of small and medium-sized. She then obtained a first postdoc scholarship (2009-2010) at ISUFI-Università del Salento (Nanoscience - Grid Computing group) in Lecce to work on the theoretical modelling of organic chromophores for solar cell applications to then join the group of Prof. De Angelis at Istituto CNR di Scienze e Tecnologie Molecolari (CNR-ISTM) in Perugia (2010-2015). During these post-doctoral years, Dr. Pastore complemented her theoretical background, essentially focused on wavefunction-based approaches, to Density Functional Theory and Time-Dependent DFT for the modelling of materials and processes in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. Since December 2015 she is researcher at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) in the Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie Théoriques, Université de Lorraine in Nancy, where she works on the atomistic modelling of photoactive materials and interfaces. She was the recipient of the “Carla Roetti” prize 2014 from the Italian Chemistry Society (SCI), dedicated to theoretical and computational chemists under 40 and of the Ricercat@mente award in 2013 from the Italian National Research Council (CNR) for the Best Young Researcher under 35 years old in Chemical Science and Materials Technology. She delivered about 25 invited talks at national and international conferences and several invited seminars in various universities and research institutions. She is co-author of more than 100 peer-reviewed papers and 3 books chapters with more than 4700 citations and h-index of 35.

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